Thursday 18 February 2016

Islamabad Lady Secret|Vagina Tightening In Pakistan|Karachi|Lahore|slamabad-Call for :03124484957


vagina-tightening-creamThe commercial under for a vaginal tightening cream known as 18 Again is causing a backlash in Pakistan. The spot indicates a wife singing "I experience like a virgin," whilst dancing round her husband in the infamous simulated intercourse of a Bollywood dance number, caressing phallic pillars alongside the way. Creams like this already exist in India (including something referred to as Clean and Dry), and the most apparent on the spot feminist critique points out that products like these are all about male satisfaction.
 (Who in their right mind wishes to feel like a virgin, anyway?) But what seems to be riding the backlash toward 18 Again is the language they're the use of to describe it. According to Ultratech, which makes the product, "18 Again has the electricity and the workable to damage the shackles and redefine the that means of women empowerment altogether." Of course, a cultural obsession with virginity, and the sexual shaming of experienced female that comes as its flip side, is the exact contrary of empowerment, and therein lies the rub. 

It's one element to be trustworthy and promote vaginal tightening cream to sexist pigs. It's some other to piss on a lady's sari and tell her it's raining. While it's wonderful that this faux-feminism has upset many in India's conservative society, I'm certain there are still masses of takers. After all, the cream is way cheaper than surgically changing your hymen like we do in America.

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